Nigeria is the most densely populated country in Africa. The Najude Pioneer School is located in the state of Kaduna, in the north of Nigeria, where no paved roads, no electricity nor access to clean water are available.  

The school was founded in 1999 with the support of a Swiss entrepreneur. Currently, 318 students are enrolled in the school and 26 students with scholarships go to secondary schools and colleges in the city of Zaria. The school is open to children of both Christian and Muslim families. Their parents pay the equivalent of $ 30 per child and year. These fees cover 30% of the running costs of the school. New projects are planned with the goal to increase the level of self-financing.

Fontana Foundation is financing a project to bring electricity to the school using solar panels. In October 2013 the photovoltaic system will be installed. 

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(c) 2009
Fontana Foundation